

Your privacy our priority

Privacy Policy

This website is operated by Tacon Systems ("we" or "us"). By using and visiting our website and by submitting your information to us, you agree to us using your information as set out in this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy applies solely to the website located at taconsystems.com and not to any other website or service.

We respect the privacy of the visitors to our website and recognize that when you choose to provide us with information about yourself, you trust us to act in a responsible manner with that information. This Privacy Policy contains important information about how we use your personal details.

What do we collect?

You may voluntarily choose to supply us with personal information, such as when emailing us from the "Contact Us" page or applying for employment. In such instances, we may gather the following information about you:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Telephone number
  • IP address (a unique identifier for your computer or other device)
  • Mobile device ID
  • Information provided by you in relation to submitting a job application to us (this may include sensitive personal information e.g. ethnic origin)

How do we use it?

We will use this information in the following ways:

  • to provide you with information that you have requested
  • to respond to specific queries you may raise regarding Tacon Systems
  • to provide you with better ways of accessing information from this website
  • to process your job application
  • as otherwise disclosed to you at the time such information is collected.

Do we pass your information to third parties?

We may send your personal information to our affiliated companies if the nature of your request requires us to do so. We may also use third party vendors to help us process your personal information for the purposes set out in this Policy, but they are not authorized by us to use your personal information for their own purposes.

We may disclose your personal information if we or any of our assets are the subject of a sale or similar corporate transaction. We may disclose personal information to third parties when we reasonably believe we are required by law, and in order to investigate, prevent or take action regarding suspected or actual unlawful or otherwise prohibited activities, including, but not limited to, fraud.

How do we use your information for marketing?

We will only provide information to you that you have asked for via the website.

Where do we send your information?

We are an internationally operating company and therefore we may transfer your personal information to countries around the world including the United States and other countries outside Europe. We will, where necessary, put in place appropriate safeguards to ensure your information is protected.

How long do we keep your information?

We will keep your information for a reasonable period for the purposes set out above.

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